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How to Eat with One Hand was born of candid conversations between renowned chef Christine Flynn and Greenhouse beverage company co-founder Emma Knight when motherhood took them by surprise within a few months of one another. This unique collection offers over 80 simple, delicious recipes for every stage of new motherhood. In addition, a handful of simple DIYs will help you keep your kids occupied, care for yourself, save money, and reduce your household waste.
So whether you’re newly pregnant and nothing could be better than the thing you want to eat right now. Or whether you need creative ideas to feed your growing family and their growing appetites, How to Eat with One Hand has you covered. In addition to recipes, Christine and Emma offer sustenance of another sort as they recount key moments of their lives as new mothers in 20 essays that are by turns laugh-out-loud funny and so heartwarming you may find yourself asking, “Is someone chopping onions in here?” Whether they get it right or get it wrong, they always get through it—and with How to Eat with One Hand on your shelf, you will too.
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